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Automotive Repair Services
(419) 420-8000
10270 W. US 224
Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM
Sat - By Appt.
Services Offered
Engine Diagnostics and Repair (featuring Jasper Products)
Is your vehicle sputtering or check engine light on? Let our technicians run a diagnostic test to find out what the problem might be. A failing engine could turn into a costly expense if the issue isn't resolved quickly. Don't hesitate to stop in to have your issues resolved. Using computer diagnostics we will determine if any parts of your engine are failing or damaged. We will also check sensors for proper function and any computer related issues.
Oil Changes and Total Fluid Flushes
Shocks, Struts & Suspension Maintenance & Repair
Complete Brake Service
Air Conditioning
(featuring Jasper Products)
Complete Tire Service
(featuring Cooper Tire & Rubber Company products)
Multi-Point Vehicle Safety Inspections
And Much More!