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  • ASE Master Certified Technician
  • (419) 420-8000
    10270 W. US 224
    Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM
    Sat - By Appt.

  • Findlay Hancock County Chamber of Commerce
  • ASE Master Certified Technician
  • Findlay Hancock County Chamber of Commerce

(419) 420-8000
10270 W. US 224
Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM
Sat - By Appt.


Is your vehicle sputtering or check engine light on? Let our technicians run a diagnostic test to find out what the problem might be. A failing engine could turn into a costly expense if the issue isn't resolved quickly. Don't hesitate to stop in to have your issues resolved. Using computer diagnostics we will determine if any parts of your engine are failing or damaged. We will also check sensors for proper function and any computer related issues.

Oil changes are a very important piece of preventative maintenance on all vehicles. Dirty oil or no oil can be extremely harmful to your vehicle. Changing the oil regularly is a practice that is crucial to keeping your engine running for miles and miles. The engine is the heart of your vehicle and keeping the proper fluids in your vehicle is what we do. For each oil change we replace the oil and oil filter, as well as top off all fluids and lube under-carriage components.

General maintenance on your vehicle can prevent major costly repairs and vehicle down time. Here at Findlay Auto Plus we use a multi-point vehicle inspection to determine items that need attention or replacement. Every vehicle has a scheduled interval between general maintenance items such as fluids, brakes, and ignition components. Here at Findlay Auto Plus we service all makes and models. Our goal is to assure you that your vehicle is in the best running condition possible.

Having a bumpy ride? Or does it sound like your vehicle might fall apart when you hit a bump? You could have a suspension problem. Suspension is what keeps your vehicle riding soft and smooth. At Findlay Auto Plus we can diagnose and resolve any rough riding issues and get you back on the road in comfort. We will check for broken or worn components such as seals, bearings, and springs, as well as checking the general function of the vehicle's ride.

Fighting the steering wheel? Drifting into traffic or off the road? Sounds like you need to come in to Findlay Auto Plus for an alignment. At Findlay Auto Plus we will point your wheels in the right direction. We will visually inspect components for wear or damage, as well as properly set the castor, camber, and toe.

Do your brakes squeak while stopping? Mushy pedal? Grinding? There are many symptoms of bad or failing brakes, which ever you may be experiencing is a safety issue to you and everyone on the road. Stop in today and see our technicians about inspecting/repairing your brakes to get you back on the road safely. We will check for worn or damaged pads, rotos, calipers, and brake lines. We will ensure proper fluid levels and make any necessary adjustments to your brake system.

Is your vehicle blowing hot air when it should be cold? Bring it on in to Findlay Auto Plus. We will diagnose and fix your air conditioning problems to keep you cool and on the road. We will check all system components for proper operation, checking for proper system pressure, and any possible leaks. We will also ensure your freon is at the correct level for proper air conditioning operation.

Vehicle not shifting gears properly? Here at Findlay Auto Plus we have a full line of Jasper engine and transmission products ready to serve your needs. Fast, reliable service along with quality transmissions and parts will put your vehicle on the road in tip-top shape. We will check for slippage, leaks, proper shifting, and proper internal pressures of the transmission.

Having a flat tire at any time is always an inconvenience, not to mention if your tires are lacking tread for wet or slippery conditions. At Findlay Auto Plus we can mount and balance the tires you need to give you peace of mind and your vehicle the rubber it needs to keep you on the road. We will check for abnormal wear, proper air pressure, and tire rotations as necessary.

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Findlay Auto Plus performs a multi-point vehicle safety inspection every time we service a vehicle. Points inspected include a check of all fluids, visual inspection of undercarriage components such as brakes, bearings, shocks, suspension, tire wear and pressure, and overall operation of the vehicle.

This list is just a highlight of the various repair jobs we conduct on a regular basis. At Findlay Auto Plus, we pride ourselves on our ability to get the job done. Bring your vehicle to us and we will get you back on the road as soon as possible.

Map Location

Findlay Fleet Plus and AAA Car Care Plus have recently merged and become Findlay Auto Plus. Find us at our new location, 10270 W. US 224, Findlay, OH 45840.

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  • From Interstate 75, take exit 159.
  • Turn west onto Trenton Avenue.
  • Turn right onto Rettig Road to enter Findlay Auto Plus.

Contact Us

Are you interested in the services of Findlay Auto Plus? Please fill out the following form with any questions and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. You can also reach us by phone at (419) 420-8000.

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AT&T Avis City Uniforms and Linen DIRECTV Findlay Packaging Friends Business Source Head Start Impact Network Solutions JB Networks Marbee Printing Overhead Door Shop Supply Service Show Place Rent To Own USPS USPS

We are an Authorized Vendor For

ARI Avis Enterprise Fleet Management GE Fleet Services
Ryder UHaul

(419) 420-8000
10270 W. US 224
Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM
Sat - By Appt.

Services Map Location Contact Us University of Findlay
ASE Master Certified Technician
Findlay Hancock County Chamber of Commerce